Archangel Zadkiel on Compassion and Balance

Archangel Zadkiel: Message on Compassion and Balance - channeled by Jenn Royster

 -channeled by Jenn Royster 

Balance and timing are in the spotlight as Archangel Zadkiel shares his message with you. The energies coming in this last quarter of 2012 are strong and swift and the momentum is picking up. I know everyone is feeling this in some way.

The key to this transitonal time, is learning to release knee jerk reactions to situations. During the full moon cycles, it will be to your advantage to work with the moon energy. There is a window of about 2 weeks around a full moon that help us tremendously with releasement of old ways.

Anxiety,stress, and high blood pressure are related to trying to control a situation. This is a time to stop, pause, catch your breath and then choose your path. Think before reacting will be brought to your awareness for evaluation. Those that are already at ease with the transitions will not feel this so much, but if you are feeling overwhelmed, anxiety or can’t catch up with life lately, take time to reveiw this message and ask Zadkiel to help you through the shfiting energies. Balance is important and will help you move gently through these energies that will be bringing great transformation.

-Jenn Royster

-Archangel Zadkiel

“Dear loved ones, it is time to take a moment of pause to see clearly through the swift moving energy that is now on earth. Life is changing for the better, and you are a part of this, blessings await you and we are eager to asist you during the shift. The energy will feel strong and move quickly and you will feel at times you can’t catch up with anything. This will balance out in time but is necessary for a better world and your happiness. There is nothing to fear, as you say, but fear alone, because fear is just an energy that can and will be changed with the higher frequencies coming through. 
This is your time to shine bright, come forward and be a part of this great shift in humanity’s consciousness. You are here and can make a difference. It is important at this time that you find balance in your life. This is a time to not rush, but focus and be aware of your choices. Think before you react and you will do well. Balance is necessary for this. You will be more aware of your existence and how you made choices in the past. Do they still serve you well? Or should they be replaced with a better action? Many conflicts begin with misunderstanding, pausing to collect yourself before choosing will be valuable and will bring you into alignment for abundance. 
Everyone is riding this wave together, and together you can the best you can be. You will see that another can be a friend, not your enemy. You will see group effort is a blessing and that abundance is unlimited and available to everyone.There is only the illusion of lack, there is no lack unless you believe it so. Your physical health will benefit from a balanced lifestyle and the connection you will feel with others. Love resides within each and everyone’s heart. It is time for all of them to meet and connect with one another. Divine Love is the most powerful energy coming through at this time and it will heal this earth and YOU, when you allow it to flow through you freely and back out to another. It is time for a better experience. 
Resistance will cause your experience in this shift to be uncomfortable and at times painful. You do not have to choose pain any longer. You do not have to suffer any longer. You only believe it’s your only option. In time you will see how these changes have brought you opportunities and better choices. The old has to go away as it can no longer support the higher frequency of the new human consciousness. Instead, it is giving birth to a new frequency of consciousness that will support you well and you will thrive.
You are loved so much and we are here to help you when you feel discouraged or lost. We will bring swift assistance to your side when you ask. So from this day forward, I ask you to pause, breath, and then choose your path with awareness and responsibility. for you are creating your new reality with every choice you make.”
-Archangel Zadkiel

Jenn Royster is a featured Master Teacher on the where she teaches through video. Her weekly Angel messages are also featured on the Masters Blog on their site.
photo credit: squarewithin via photopin cc


  1. Your writing is very comfortable and refreshing, filled me with great energy and wisdom to not falter and follow this road which sometimes becomes difficult but you must follow along with faith and optimism.

    1. Hello Susana,
      Muh appreciation for your thoughts and sharing. I have much gratitude and feel honored to be bring these messages to others. My heart is filled with joy that you found encouragement here. Namaste


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